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(한 마디를 해도 통하는)김영철·타일러의 진짜 미국식 영어

김영철 ; 타일러 [공] 지음위즈덤하우스 ( 출판일 : 2017-12-08 )
작성자 : 김○준 작성일 : 2024-07-27
페이지수 : 328 상태 : 승인
영어 때문에 스트레스 받는 한국인

hit the jackpot (x)
You have great fortune (x)
Congrats, Keep it up(o)

저 몸치예요
I have two left feet (x)
I can't dance to save my lift(o)

실력을 발휘해요
Show off your ability(x)
Do your best(△)
kill it, show'em who's boss(o)

손이 열개라도 부족해요
I'm too busy (△)
I got a lot on my plate

짚신도 짝이 있을거에요
Every jack has his jill (x)
There is plenty of fish in the sea (o) 바다속 물고기는 충분해

어림 없을 걸요
No way (x) - 강압적 느낌
No way jose. - 호제(라임을 맞추기 위한 문구로 뜻은 없음) => 어떻게 그럴 수 있지?

눈썰미 있으시네요
You have a sense (△) 구체적 표현 필요
Thanks for noticing (o) 알아봐줘서 고마워요

도토리 키재기에요
Half and half (x)
Not much of a difference. (o)

괜찮아요, 잘하고 있어요
Don't worry, it's alright. good job (△)
It's ok, you are doing great. => (o) 위로를 먼저해주는 것이 필요

나갈때 한번 계산해 주세요
You should pay at once. (x)
You can pay on your way out (o)

용건만 간단히 해주세요
what is your main topic? (△)
just get to the point (o)

인상 좀 펴세요
Do not make angry (x) => 명령조
Life's tough get a helmet.

Oh, waste your time (x)
All that for nothing (o)

다 지나갈꺼에요
let it flow(x)
This too shall pass (o) => 이 또한 지나가리라

지루할 틈이 없었어요
I have a good time with you. (x) => 두번다시 못볼 때 쓰는 말
Never a dull moment.

그게 말이니, 막걸리니?
It's ridiculous (x)
Wait, what?

폭팔하기 일보 직전이에요
I am a hot head (x)
I'm going to lose it (o)
: 쟤 정신 나갔어 he/she lost it

새치기하지 마세요
Don't cut the line. (△)
Stop cutting in line (o)

음식은 입에 맞나요?
Do you like this food (x)
Is the food alright? How's your lunch?

급할수록 돌아가세요
Hey, take your time. (△) 나쁘지 않음
Haste makes waste (o)

제가 한번 해보겠습니다
I will do that (x)
I'll give it a try (o)

함께 일해서 즐거웟어요, 연락해요
I had a good time with you, Call me. (x)
It was great working with you keep in touch.(o)

최고의 안부를 전합니다.
keep in touch(x) => 다시는 이메일 보낼 생각이 없을 때 느낌
Best regards. (o)

완전 붕어빵이네요,
He is miniature of father.(x)
Wow, you look so much alike(o)

같이 2차 가실래요?
second round?(x) => 싸울때 느낌 또는 내가 한턱 내겠다 느낌
Want to grab another drink with us? (o)

의외의 면이 있네요
You are different guy(△)
You surprise me. (o)

Be careful, you're cold (x)=> 조심해요 추우세요
Be careful not to catch a cold (o)

미안한데, 조용히 좀 해주시겠어요?
shut up(x)
Excuse me, could you please keep it down.(o)

몸 생각해서 적당히 드세요.
Enough is enough(x)
Too bad it's not good for you too.

거기 문 닫았어요
It is closed (△)
It's closed(o) => It is와 It's는 같아 보이지만 문어체와 구어체 같은 차이가 있음

필요한거 있으면 뭐든 말해요
My house is your house.(x)
Let me know if you ever need any help(o)

완전 최고였어요
Thank you for showing me around(△) => 형식적인 느낌
Thank you so much, that was awesome. (o)

저희 영수증은 따로주세요.
Let's split out.(x)
Could we have separate bills please?(o)

도대체 지금 시간이 몇시에요?
Do you know what time is it?(x) => 공격적
Do you have any idea what time it is(o)

Want to walk?

곤란하니까 묻지 말아주세요
please do not give me a hard favor(x)
I don't know how I feel about that(o)

못먹는 음식이 있나요?
Is it edible?(x) => 돌과 오렌지를 물어보며 묻는 느낌임
Are there any foods you don't eat? (o)

그냥 솔직히 말해줘요
Tell me straight (△)
Just be straght with me, 이름 (o)

한 귀로 듣고, 한 귀로 흘려요.
First listen and then ignore. (x)
Let it in one ear and out the other.

당신은 눈이 너무 높아요
Out of your league (x)
You set the bar too high. (o)

열심히 하겠습니다. 뽑아주세요
Pick me up (x) => 나를 꼬셔 달라라는 뜻
I'll do my best. pick me.(o)

해가 길어졌어요.
The sun is getting brighter.(x)
The days are getting longer.(o)

넉넉하게 담아주세요
Can I get some more and more please (x)
I love OO. Please give me extra if you can. (o) => 미국은 덤 문화가 아니라서 쉽지 않음

성은 같지만 가족은 아니에요
We are not family. but we have same famil name.(x)
Same name, no relation.

위험하니까 돌아가세요.
It's dangerous. make a detour.(x)
It's dangerous. You have to go another way.(o)

시간 가는게 아쉬워요
Time flies like arrow. (x) => 딱딱한 표현
Aw man, time flies.

What's wrong?(o)

그 얘기는 나중에 해요.
Don't talk about it (△)
Let's save this for later. (o)

이거 어디 제품이에요?
Who makes this? (o)

갚은 걸로 해요.
Let's call it even, (o)_

제가 저녁 대접할께요
Let's go out for dinner, It's on me.

야식 먹을래요?
Wanna grab a beer? (x)
Wanna get something to eat? (o)

참 눈치없네요.
Oh your no manners.(x)
You're so dense.(o)

해도해도 너무하네요.
Enough is enough.(x)
You just can't get enough, can you? (o)

그런 말 안해도 돼요.
Thank you very much, I really appreciate.(x)
You don't have to say that. (o)

실물이 훨씬 나아요.
You look much better in person.(△)
You look better in real life. (o)

필요한거 있으면 언제든 말해요.
Hope the see you soon (x)
let me know if you need anything (o)

딴사람 같아 보여요
You look different (x)
wow, It's like a whole new you! (o)

Oh my god, how cute!

여기 추천메뉴가 뭔가요?
What's good here?

맡아 놓은 자리에요
Sorry, It;s taken

이건 계산에서 빼주세요.
Can you cancel this one, please?

남은 건 포장해가도 될까요?
Can I get this to go?

번거롭게 해서 미안한데....
Hey, sorry to bug you but....

나아직 죽지 않았어요
I've still got it.

간절히 원하면, 어떤 것이든 할 수 있어요.
You can do anything you put your mind to.

좋아보여요. 잘 지내요?
Hey, you look good. What's new?

평소에나 잘해줘요
Treat me better.

왕년에 제가...
Back in the good old days...

[실천 포인트]
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