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Black Flower 양장
Black Flower 양장
  • 년.월 : 2022년 10월
  • 저 자 : Kim, Young-ha
  • 출판사 : Houghton Mifflin
  • 출판년도 : 2012년
  • 청구기호 : E813.7-김64ㅂ
  • 책위치 : [가로수]일반자료실 (3층)


A tale of star-crossed love, political turmoil, and the dangers of seeking freedom in a new world, Black Flower is an epic story based on a little-known moment in history. In 1904, as the Russo-Japanese War deepened, Asia was parceled out to rising powers and the Korean empire was annexed by Japan. Facing war and the loss of their nation, more than a thousand Koreans left their homes to seek possibility elsewhere-- in unknown Mexico. They disembark with the promise of land, but soon they discover the truth: they have been sold into indentured servitude. A tale of star-crossed love, political turmoil, and the dangers of seeking freedom in a new world, based on a little-known moment in history.
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