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(Postman Pat) Summertime in Greendale
도서 (Postman Pat) Summertime in Greendale
  • ㆍ저자사항 original writer John Cunliffe
  • ㆍ발행사항 London: Egmont, 2005
  • ㆍ형태사항 1 v.: col. ill.; 16 cm
  • ㆍISBN 9781405216326:
  • ㆍ주제어/키워드 Postman Pat Summertime Greendale
  • ㆍ소장기관 가로수도서관


소장중인 도서 정보를 구분, 낱권정보, 자료실/청구기호, 자료상태, 반납예정일, 예약 안내하는 표
구분 낱권정보 자료실 / 청구기호 자료상태 반납예정일 예약 상호대차
UU0000000722 [가로수]어린이자료실(1층)
영 843-컨239ㅅ
대출가능 무인대출예약 상호대차


Pat goes to see Mrs Goggins, to collect the mail sacks. They talk about the weather, while Jess has a quick cat nap! This is an extract from Summertime in Greendale, one of the two great new board books about Postman Pat, Jess and life in the village of Greendale. They contain simple, rhyming text and colourful photographic images. They join Hello, Postman Pat! and Hello, Jess! in the range of foil covered board books.

도서정보 상세보기[NAVER 제공]

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