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Island of the blue dolphins
도서 Island of the blue dolphins
  • ㆍ저자사항 Scott O’Dell.
  • ㆍ발행사항 New York, NY: A Yearling Books, 1960
  • ㆍ형태사항 184 p.; 20 cm+ 4 Compact Discs(3 Hr.41 Min.)
  • ㆍISBN 0440439884:
  • ㆍ상세내용 Left alone on a beautiful but isolated island off the coast of California, a young Indian girl spends eighteen years, not only merely surviving through her enormous courage and self-reliance, but also finding a measure of happiness in her solitary life.
  • ㆍ주제어/키워드 Indians Island Survival Nwebery medal
  • ㆍ원문 원문 바로보기
  • ㆍ소장기관 기적의도서관


소장중인 도서 정보를 구분, 낱권정보, 자료실/청구기호, 자료상태, 반납예정일, 예약 안내하는 표
구분 낱권정보 자료실 / 청구기호 자료상태 반납예정일 예약 상호대차
LW0000001225 [기적]서양서
서 843-O23I
대출가능 상호대차


In the Pacific there is an island that looks like a big fish sunning itself in the sea. Around it, blue dolphins swim, otters play, and sea elephants and sea birds abound. once, Indians also lived on the island. And when they left and sailed to the east, one young girl was...

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