자료검색 > 상세페이지

Homeless bird
도서 Homeless bird
  • ㆍ저자사항 by Gloria Whelan.
  • ㆍ발행사항 New York : HarperCollinsPublishers, 2000.
  • ㆍ형태사항 216 p. ; 19 cm.
  • ㆍISBN 9780064408196
  • ㆍ이용대상자 for children
  • ㆍ주제어/키워드 Courage Fiction India
  • ㆍ소장기관 서원도서관


소장중인 도서 정보를 구분, 낱권정보, 자료실/청구기호, 자료상태, 반납예정일, 예약 안내하는 표
구분 낱권정보 자료실 / 청구기호 자료상태 반납예정일 예약 상호대차
NW0000000921 [서원]4층인문학자료실(별치자료)
E 843-웰233ㅎ
대출가능 상호대차


Gloria Whelan's National Book Award-winning novel, chronicles the breathtaking story of a remarkable young woman who dares to defy fate. Like many girls her age in India, thirteen-year-old Koly faces her arranged marriage with hope and courage. But Koly's story takes a terrible turn when in the wake of the ceremony, she discovers she's been horribly misled; her life has been sold for a dowry. In prose both graceful and unflinching, this powerful novel relays the story of a rare young woman, who even when cast out into a brutal current of time-worn tradition, sets out to forge her own remarkable future.Inspired by a newspaper article about the real thirteen-year-old widows in India today, this universally acclaimed best-selling novel, characterized by spare, lyrical language and remarkable detail, transports readers into the heart of a gripping tale of hope.

도서정보 상세보기[NAVER 제공]

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